Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Secret: I'm a big fan of awards shows. Not only am I obsessed with movies, but any excuse to judge celebrities, I'm on board. Plus, I like the pre-show show. The dresses, child, to be more exact. It's really unlike me to enjoy such prissyness, considering I don't own a pair of flats, much less a pair of heels, much less a BALL GOWN, but hey. Whatever.

So, I was really looking forward to the Golden Globes this past Sunday. Without further ado, here are my (much anticipated, I'm sure) picks for best, and worst dressed.


Olivia Wilde, in Marchesa. Girlfriend KILLED it. And she wasn't even nominated! But hey, if I had access to that sparkly number, I'd be all up on it. I told you I was a sucker for glitter. THAT is how you dress for an awards show. I'd wear that dress to my wedding, brown or not.


Angelina Jolie, in Versace. I know, I know. This was mostly loved by critics, and I get it. It's fucking Angelina Jolie. She's got the face, the figure, the sainthood going on. But sorry, this dress did not do it for me. And her hair looks like she barely combed it. Being the most beautiful woman alive does not give you license to dress like this. But she does, and people love it, so she's gonna do it. She's like, fuck you, I'm Angelina. We get it. I just don't get it. If that makes sense.


Anonymous said...

i OWN ball gowns, but hate awards shows. hmm.

angelina jolie...needs a sammich.


Amber, said...

What she really needs is a comb, and a stylist.